18/7/2011 La FemmeI've never seen any movie with Beatrice Dalle because none of them has ever interested me. I don't like French cinema. I have seen only a handful of enjoyable French movies.
I am not even sure she is a good actress, although she's probably quite interesting to watch because she has so much personality. But. What a woman. She's a real one: a strong, beautiful (and proud of it, not a dowdy so-called feminist, she is much more of a feminist than any of those horrible vociferous and ultimately rather sad creatures) strong-minded individual who speaks her mind and lives her life as she likes - even though it is not exactly the life I would have chosen for myself. Incredibly intelligent, too! She probably should be a writer, she would be fantastic. She doesn't care about being "nice" and ticking the boxes of what a woman is perceived to be like, the type of thing that infuriates me, you know, the "nurturing, protective, compassionate one" YUK YUK YUK. I absolutely LOATHE this dreadful stereotype that unfortunately permeates our society. Ms Dalle just does what the hell she wants and she's probably happier than most women who try and be what others tell them they have to be to be a woman. She follows her instincts. That's real creativity for you. Being creative in your own, personal life. Being yourself, 100%, and not bowing to conventions and expectations. And her take on babies and "motherhood" (this overrated killer of gender equality) is hilarious and is completely and utterly similar to mine: "You do know that by now you should really have three kids and a mortgage..." [what a stupid, stupid, stupid question!!!!!! This journalist should be put in prison for complete idiocy, unless he asked this with massive irony] "Children? That's the last thing I want. When I drink Coca-Cola too fast, and I feel it fizz as it hits hit my stomach, that feeling scares me, so imagine me having a kid..." "You mean the pain of childbirth?" "Not just that, but the whole physical experience of a baby... nappies... ugh." "You've talked about being disgusted by the experience of holding your elder sister's child." "Yes, and then there's all the responsibility. I'm a woman who lives alone. I want to be able to sit at home for hours on end, smoking, listening to Mozart on headphones, at maximum volume. That's what I love. I hate it when the music stops." It's beautifully said, isn't it? The whole very entertaining interview: Beatrice Dalle in The Independent Comments are closed.
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