18/11/2011 A treat for the eyes and earsAs a pre-Xmas treat, here's the Mediaeval Baebes's new video. I have a ticket for the London date of their Xmas tour - at St Sepulchre Without Newgate, the Musicians' church and I cannot wait. If you have never seen the Baebes live, well, what can I say... You should. It makes you feel better. Now, if you don't know what the Baebes are about, have a look at this little documentary. This is about the show they put together last year, Temptation - unfortunately I didn't see it and I'll always regret it! It explains very well what their universe is all about. Oh, and as Emily says at the end: they are great fun too! 17/11/2011 Fix it!Yep, one of the great advantages of working from home is that you're here for the workers who come and fix various things around the house.
Thing is, it can be very distracting and over the past two days, it has been difficult to write a Gothic Novel with a leak in the kitchen and workers banging and drilling in the flat downstairs! Not exactly atmospheric... Oh well, you can't have everything, I guess. 14/11/2011 Reading... The Jeeves Omnibus 2Now that I have finished Mr Fowler's captivating "The Victoria Vanishes", I am moving on swiftly to P.G Wodehouse, a Jeeves Omnibus, no less! This one bought at the rather wunderbar Sanctuary Bookshop in Lyme Regis at a very very reasonable price.
11/11/2011 The AwakeningOh, no!
This movie is tackling similar themes to those in my second book, The Book of Thoth, albeit in a different way. It's a ghost story, set in an isolated house in the aftermath of the First World War. Like The Book of Thoth! There is also a short paragraph about a new BBC drama, Parade's End, which will be set around the time of the First World War. It will have Benedict Cumberbatch in it! One to watch as well, then! BBC article below: THE AWAKENING It looks like The Book of Thoth will take months to complete - and we're talking about 6 months or so, now - so I won't even be taking advantage of the interest in First World War stuff... These drive me nuts. We now see those mistakes in newspapers, magazines, posters, ads, job ads, etc. And I am not even a Native English speaker. But grammar was hammered into my head from age 5 so I understand how language works... Go on, make a bloody effort! Or ask me, I can explain slowly.
11/11/2011 11-11-11-11Matt ArtPix's 11th November blog is particularly poignant this year. Matt's interest for the First World War started in very strange circumstances when he was 17. I hope he will write about this experience once day as it is quite disturbing. But ever since, he has tried to understand what happened to those people and their very personal, very individual experiences. MATT ARTPIX 11 11 11 11
I will borrow from Matt's blog: Great Men The great ones of the earth Approve, with smiles and bland salutes, the rage And monstrous tyranny they have brought to birth. The great ones of the earth Are much concerned about the wars they wage, And quite aware of what those wars are worth. You Marshals, gilt and red, You Ministers and Princes, and Great Men, Why can't you keep your mouthings for the dead? Go round the simple cemeteries; and then Talk of our noble sacrifice and losses To the wooden crosses. © Siegfried Sassoon, 17 August 1918 Unfortunately, as Matt says really well on his blog, we keep being obsessed with history but we don't learn. The phony wars our leaders are waging these days are useless, and don't even get me started on the religious authorities always trying to hijack remembrance day celebrations, when it is well documented that most of those men had lost their faith if they had one in the trenches. Absolutely disgusting. So years after year people "remember" then they go back to their shallow little lives and our government try and find yet another country to which to send their idiotic planes. Because they are so ineffectual in sorting out their own countries, they use "wars" to distract our attention away from their ineffectuality. My second book, The Book of Thoth, is set 7 years after the First World War and if I do not tackle it directly, the effects of the war play on part in the story. 10/11/2011 The shallow blog...It's all about appearances, isn't it?
So this weekend, I am going back to my Louise Brooks 1920s hair, I've been missing it - I haven't cut it for months now and it's almost touching my shoulders and it's BORING! SNIP SNIP Then the logo on the Home page will be relevant again! Then I'll be having yet another look at the Weebly templates and will try and give this website a more professional look if I find the time... In the meantime, The Book of Thoth is slowly progressing, scene by scene. I have also started getting ideas for my third book (working title: Anti). They keep coming, and therefore I've had to start writing them down properly to prevent them from escaping... It's getting more bizarre by the minute, so I'll have to decide what I put in and what gets rejected. 9/11/2011 Occupy!As a fitting tribute to the Occupy movement and student fees protests, here's a picture of the next group to join the movement:
9/11/2011 Back on track!3,400 words in two days...
The Book of Thoth is back on track... I hope I can keep it up for the next two weeks because afterwards I will have too much work to spend much time on it until Xmas... Things are really kicking off now in my story and I really need the help of my First World War specialist! But sometimes I really wonder why I have made this book so complicated... |
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